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Digital Guidelines for Sherpath Authors

Elsevier is dedicated to publishing world-class content in a variety of media, including an adaptive digital platform built specifically for North American healthcare education called Sherpath. Sherpath’s comprehensive digital lessons are organized by course objective to create a didactic learning experience with multimedia, confidence indicators, adaptive remediation, mini-assessments throughout the lesson, and a final assessment to gauge student understanding of the material. Educators can assign, assess, and teach from Sherpath’s single, mobile-optimized interface. Evidence-based data and analytics show student engagement, understanding, and progress.

For content ready to be ingested into Sherpath, very specific manuscript guidelines need to be followed. With the assistance of digital learning experts, we have prepared these guidelines in a variety of ways, including a detailed version that lists the requirements and explains the reasons behind these requirements and a short checklist version for quick reference. Examples of a “before” and “after” chapter are included.

We have also provided two videos that explain the process:  one that demonstrates how to write measurable learning objectives (video) and one that discusses how to cluster and chunk content (video) properly.

We value your partnership in our endeavor to create this unique digital experience for students and instructors. Please don’t hesitate to contact your Content Strategist or Content Development Specialist if you have any questions.